Chatter Creek 2006 Grenache

I have a soft spot in my heart for Chatter Creek wines. Many years ago Mrs. Barbarian & I enjoyed a great bottle of wine at our favorite restaurant, and I made it a point to write down the name. It was Chatter Creek. The owner of this restaurant is a total wine freak and loves to pick odd and hard to find wines, but I was determined to hunt this wine down and buy some for myself. The bottle had the winemaker’s email (or web) address and after I gave up finding it via my usual sources I contacted the winery. I received a nice reply from a guy named Gordy who helped me out finding his wines at a local retailer. We carried on a nice email conversation for a while and I learned that he was pretty much the entire staff of Chatter Creek at that time and the “winery” was his house in Seattle. I’ve been on his mailing list ever since and Chatter Creek has grown over the years. They now have several employees, and an actual, official winery in the town of Woodinville, Washington (home to a bunch of other wineries) and it seems that Chatter Creek has enjoyed some well-deserved success. They do deserve it too! Gordy makes some damn fine wine. I live too far to visit, but maybe someday I’ll drop by and shake Gordy’s hand and say “thanks.”

Now whenever Mrs. Barbarian is in a bad mood and I know she needs cheering I pull some Chatter Creek out and serve it. She recognizes the label and it brings back good memories and usually puts her at ease. This 2006 Grenache did the trick the other night. I have no idea what had her on the far side of grumpy… probably something I did, but far be it from me to recall! (Don’t expect sensitivity from me, I’m a barbarian!)

The Grenache was tasty and good. Good and tasty. Not a big wine, but not a lightweight either. Mrs. Barbarian loved it. You will too.

You should be able to find it for about 18 bucks.

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