Fantastico Chilean Carmenere

I added this bottle to my cellar on February 08, 2019. I probably threw it into a purchase from my favorite online drug deale^X^X^X^X ^X^X^X^X^X^X wine merchant to round out a full case to earn free shipping. Yeah, I’m a cheap bastard.
It has been just lying around, aging to near perfection since then. You can see that it was relatively cheap, at $23.98. The new(ish, circa 2016) Mrs. Barbarian, or should I correct myself and say “Dr. Barbarian” since she is quite literally a medical doctor, specifically a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine… she is everything that I am not. She is amazeballs awesomesauce. Her superpower is kindness. She has beautiful red hair, bright green eyes, and the boobs of a seventeen year old girl. For some unknown reason she loves me madly, and puts up with me and my endless idiosyncrasies (including and especially my obsession with her boobs!) She is currently practicing her craft a few hours away from our full-time home, in a small town in desperate need for Veterinary Doctors, so with the cooperation and financial support of her employer, we spend about 80% of our time in a tiny duplex in this small town at the ass-end of nowhere.
I brought wine.
I acquired a 28-bottle wine cooler about seven years ago when we first met, and I spent some time in her home city, about as far from this whisky tango hick town as you can get and still be in the same state. Now we have built a little corner of civilization amid the redneck wilderness here in Hicksville. At some point in the past I put this bottle in the cooler years ago and now it is here. I pulled it out tonight to accompany some grilled chicken and peppers I made on the BBQ. It was pretty close to perfect.
Long-time readers know that I have a penchant for Chilean wines, and Carmenérè in particular. This one did not disappoint. Strong graphite nose and all sorts of goodness once in your mouth. The food is long gone and I’m sitting here savoring the wine in a big glass … (as I sit watching the sun cast it’s last rays upon this bizarro neighborhood of nicely manicured working class homes tucked amid run-down mobile homes with Clinton-era cars being overgrown with weeds. Saluté!