Guenoc Petite Sirah

Guenoc petite

OK, so the Vinagoth is seriously addicted to Petite Sirah, deal with it.

This one is a winner though. Seriously… go buy a case of it, today. You’ll understand my attraction. This is one of the first Petites I ever tried. Many, many years ago Mrs. Barbarian and I were out for dinner at our favorite local little restaurant, and I picked this one off the menu… mainly because I’d never heard of Petite Sirah. I’m an adventurous drinker, and will always try something new without fear. The Sommelier, who also is the co-owner of this particular neighborhood bistro, will usually give me a warning if I’m treading into dangerous territory, but this time he looked like I made a good choice. The bottle came, and we loved it so much we ordered another. Afterwards, I went looking for it in the stores and came up empty. I resorted to ordering a case through a liquor store. The second case of wine I had ever ordered. This was about ten years ago if I recall correctly. I’ve been loyal to this wine ever since. To me it is like an old friend that comes to visit every year… bringing gifts and good times.

Just about every year I buy a another case of this stuff. Every year it is CONSISTENTLY great. Mind you this isn’t Parker-perfect stuff but it is VERY GOOD. If you take any of my drunken barbarian advice, take this one home: Buy This Wine: Guenoc Petite Sirah from Langtry Estate. It is rarely more than $10 a bottle (last I checked it was $8 at my local wine merchant) and is kick-ass awesome every vintage I’ve tried since the late 90s.

One of these days I’ll make a pilgrimage to Lake County and prostrate myself before the vinyards.




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